
American Idol - Minneapolis Auditions (Episode 1)

American Idol Season 6 Episode 1 Highlights:

Denise Jackson - sentimental favorite or not, this 16 year-old girl can sing! She was a "crack" baby and i don't know what kind of disability is that when you can sing a difficult song like "And I Am Telling You."
denise jackson

Perla Meneses - the latina who gets noticed after singing Shakira's Hips Don't Lie.
perla meneses

Jarrod Fowler - Can't believe he made it to Hollywood.
jarrod fowler

Here's Denise, Perla and Jarrod's auditions:

Michelle Steingas - Simon said she's "confident without irritatingly precautious" (whatever that means).
michelle steingas

Matt Sato - this 16 year old dude is going to Hollywood! The scene when he told her mom the good news is a little tearjerker. My god, this season is getting more emotional.
matt sato

Rachel Jenkins - Another soldier who made it to Hollywood since Josh Gracin.
rachel jenkins

Sarah Krueger - She's the best in Minneapolis (assuming that they aired all the passers). The judges find her refreshing, warm and pretty.
sarah krueger

Uniquely Worst of the Day is Trista Giese who brought her lion impression from the Wizard of Oz to her audition.